A Birthday to Remember

When I was younger, probably around 20, I started “calculating” how much longer I had to live. So when I turned 25, I figured that I still had 65 more years, assuming that I lived until I was 90. And why wouldn’t I assume this?  I come from a healthy gene pool, with two grandparents living into their mid nineties and one into his mid eighties. I did this on every birthday, kind of as a way to ensure that I appreciated, and used wisely the time I had left. It wasn’t until I reached my forties that I began to think, Hmmm…I might very well have lived half of my life. Yikes! I still have so much left to do!  Fast forward two years and being told I have ALS at the age of 43.

While it’s always been important, I now significantly value quality over quantity, in many regards. This birthday, my 46th, was extremely low key, mostly out of necessity, but upon reflection, was also one of the best. My birthday week was filled with visits from family and friends, and an outpouring of well wishes from near and far. I spent the morning with Silas, who stayed home from school because he was flying to volleyball nationals in the afternoon. We had some great conversation; he was just completely present. He also decided to make cookies before he left. Having him clattering around the kitchen, chatting and joking, was a gift. I also had not one, but two lattes and a movie night with Olivia. Sad when you’re too tired for ice cream, so my birthday treat waited until the next day. We took a walk in beautiful Fort Langley and had the best sugar free gelato. All simple things that together made it one of my best birthdays ever.


“Present over perfect.

Quality over quantity.

Relationship over rushing.

People over pressure.

                                                              Meaning over mania.”     Shauna Niequist


Such truth, on birthdays and the other 364 days of the year. I used to almost fear getting old, because I wanted my life to continue as I knew and loved it. Now I can see what a gift growing old is. Embrace the laugh lines, the grey hair, the saggy parts…embrace it all, because it proves you’re alive. According to the stats, when diagnosed I had between 2-5 years to live; a hard pill to swallow when you’re a lover of life. I no longer try to predict how many birthdays I have left, I’ll leave that for God to decide. I do know that I will always remember this birthday, and the gift of recognizing just how precious the simple things can be.

Until next time… ❤️



9 thoughts on “A Birthday to Remember

  1. I read so much thought and raw feelings, this to me is the best. I know a lot of people who go through the motions of seemingly present in their life. To truly be in each moment, one must feel the air, the sounds, and appreciate all things around us. You do that and you articulate your emotion to the core. I admire that in you, I am trying to do more of this. I sure hope you always have a latte!

  2. Oh my goodness Leanne- so perfectly said!!!
    What a gift to have had some wonderful time with both Silas and Olivia on your birthday!!
    You are so beautiful !!!!
    I love you so much❤️❤️❤️❤️

  3. Leanne your post is so incredibly touching and meaningful. You have such strength and wisdom. I am glad you had such a wonderful birthday. ❤️

  4. A very blessed birthday to you Leanne. May the days, weeks & months ahead be filled with rich blessings that you just tuck into & relish! Your words are a reminder to us all not to take what we are blessed with for granted. I can imagine your afternoon in the Fort, I used to love going to Wendell’s … I hope things down there haven’t changed too much. I heard there’s been some controversy over what some developers want to do to the townsite. I just hope they see the value in allowing some things to remain so that the charm of the place is not completely lost! As much as we want to see things stay the same,
    one thing I know is for certain …change is inevitable for all of us. I know for myself it’s only with God’s help that I can face some life changes with any grace at all.
    Thanks for sharing your perspective with us, you bless each of us that take the time to reflect on your journey. God’s blessings to you and your family, I hope Silas is successful with his tourney 👍🏼😊💕💕

  5. Thank you for sharing! I love reading your wise words. We all need reminders to appreciate what we have, especially the simple sweet moments with loved ones!

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