“So…what exactly do you do all day?”

I get asked this question often, especially since I can no longer drive, use my hands or talk. Despite popular belief, I do not sit and watch Netflix all day or sit around bored, staring out the window. In fact, just the opposite. I knew from early on in my diagnosis that in order for me to survive, and not go into a deep depression I would need to keep my purpose. I needed to have reasons, beyond just my kids, for getting up every morning, and that involved retaining as much from my old life as possible.

Since the day I was told I had ALS, I have dragged myself out of bed each morning and gotten ready for the day. I know that for some people, staying in their pj’s and watching TV brings comfort and that’s great, but it’s not for me. These days I get up at seven, and with the help of a caregiver, undergo my grooming routine and get dressed. I eat breakfast while Silas and Olivia are getting ready for school, and in this way I feel connected to them…starting the day together.

Throughout the day I do a series of exercises for my legs, hands, neck, mouth and yes, even my tongue. I am trying to do whatever it takes to retain as much movement as possible, for as long as possible. Stress has been known to speed up one’s progression, and so in addition to prayer, I aim to do meditation and visualization every day.

So many of the things that used to make up my day became impossible without the use of my hands. I am so grateful for the technology that allows me to use a tablet and control it all with a sensor sticker I put on my glasses. With this adaptation I continue to keep in touch with friends and family, as well as organize the kids and their activities, rides etc. I do meal planning, grocery shopping and banking, which allows me to be useful and feel “normal”.

I use an online to-do app called todoist to organize my day, week and special projects, instead of my hardcover daytimer. I missed my pencil and paper journaling, and found penzu.com where you can create a collection with as many journals as you want. You even design the cover, pick the colours and choose the font. I now have online journals for prayer, for blog ideas and for courses I am completing online. I love it!

One of the greatest things I have been able to do with the tablet is read books. Using the library app Libby, I am able to “check out” books. I can place holds on new releases and when available they pop into my online library. The best thing is that when they are due back, they automatically get removed. No more late fees! I can also keep participating in a book club with some of my amazing Calgary friends.  Through bible.com I am doing Bible studies and a reading program, that through daily readings takes you through the whole Bible in a year. If I had the choice, I would still choose to curl up on the couch with real books, but I can’t, so this is the next best thing.

Add in visits from family and friends, appointments and getting outside for walks or quiet time on the deck, my days are full. So while I may not be working, I still aim to be productive, and keep my brain sharp. 😉  I am choosing to live with ALS.

Thanks for reading  🙂

10 thoughts on ““So…what exactly do you do all day?”

  1. There’s no doubt in my mind that with the life you are living – you’ll live a long long time.
    Your journey is a living testimony to all about how to rise above circumstances and choose your own path. That’s empowering.
    I love the great ideas in this post – the online library, the book club and the journals!!! You ve always has the best ideas. Your so resourceful sis.
    And my favourite thing is that your living a balanced life full of love and passion and purpose. Keep on keeping on sis. Youve got this. We all believe in you.

  2. Thanks for the great summary of your activities! I knew you were a bookworm but am glad to hear technology allows you to do so much more than just read. It’s like having an updating encyclopedia and university at your fingertips that you are participating in real time! Being able to do things like bank and shop online is also a great way that you are contributing to the family unit. Your positivity and resourcefulness is very inspiring!

  3. You forgot to mention that you find time to tell your husband via email where to be and when. For example picking the kids up from extra curricular activities or to get home for some chores. Surprising how well organized you are with the tablet. Keep up the good work honey. 🤠

  4. You’re amazing Leanne! Thanks for sharing all of your activities in the day, you always keep so busy. I wish I was half the person you are. I love your positive outlook on life, I am always learning from you.♥️😘

  5. Hi Leanne,
    Isn’t technology wonderful! The sensor/glasses technology especially! I am glad you have found such great apps as well! I can’t imagine a life without books and am so glad you have Libby. You are inspiring to your children in your actions. You are inspiring to everyone! Sending Hugs and prayers.

  6. Thank you for providing insight into your day to day activities . It takes so much courage to share our struggles and our pain yet by doing so , you inspire others to face their fears and live life to the fullest . You are an amazing woman💕

  7. I too am living with ALS on beautiful Vancouver Island. I used to be so active and in charge of the household. Now everything is reversed. I too have lost my voice but am still able to use my hands, at this time. I play a lot of solitaire and spend time with family.
    Everybody faces challenges at some point in their lifetime and this is ours.
    Cheers, Evelyn

    1. Thanks for commenting Evelyn. You have a great attitude. I think spending time with family and friends is one of the best things we can do. Wishing you all the best!

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