A Botox Update

I have had people wondering how I have made out with the aftereffects of the Botox. I had the injections on November 27 and so it’s now been five months. I had been told that the effects would subside after three months. Just a quick recap. I got Botox injections in my legs to help alleviate the extreme stiffness. Within a week I was experiencing weakness in my neck, as well as more difficulty swallowing, shortness of breath and difficulty managing secretions. At its peak about a month in, I could not hold my head up without support, my legs had gotten so weak I could no longer stand to transfer and I was needing my breathing machine at times during the day.

Fast forward four months…I have regained some of my function, but definitely not all. I am still not able to stand to transfer and so I must use the ceiling lift every time I need to move. My neck has gained some strength back, but not close to what it was prior. I can no longer sit in my regular dining chair. I did buy a high backed chair with arms and that is working as an alternative to my wheelchair. Thankfully my breathing and management of secretions have returned to normal. A serious answer to prayer.

So while I haven’t gotten back to pre-Botox levels, I am managing much better than a few months ago. I am grateful to my family and caregivers for adapting so well to my additional needs and being so understanding of my fluctuating moods. This hasn’t been an easy time physically or emotionally. I have to make mention of the extra effort my caregiver Alisha gave during this difficult time. I call her my MacGyver as she somehow manages to find solutions for any problems that arise. She can tell at a glance when I am not positioned correctly and finds creative ways to make me comfortable, like rolling up shawls and using them to help prop me up. I am fortunate to have such good people in my corner.

Another tremendous blessing that arose through this trial were the many messages of concern and promises of prayer that I received. Many were from people I don’t know personally. I also had some great correspondence with other pALS (people with ALS) about their experiences with Botox and other treatments. I haven’t been on Facebook for a few months as it can be quite depressing if you aren’t in the right frame of mind, so I have appreciated having  people reach out. I love getting messages and love meeting new people so please drop me a line using the Contact Me button.

With the arrival of Spring and sunny weather, I am confident there are brighter days ahead. 🙂


Thanks for reading,

Leanne xo

2 thoughts on “A Botox Update

  1. I am with you in your sentiments about happier times being around the corner. I find Spring so optimistic. I am also with you in my thoughts and prayers. xoxo

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