Running the Race

In the Bible, the Christian life is often likened to running a race in which perseverance is valued over speed. “Keep running the race that is set before you with endurance.” (Hebrews 12:1) is a verse I have always chosen to hold close. Just as races can be difficult in certain sections, so too can our lives be infused with various challenges. It is in these times of trial, when remaining steadfast in one’s faith is so imperative.

In addition to keeping the faith, a successful race for me includes being kind, not judging others, trusting God in all things, maintaining integrity and demonstrating a strong work ethic, and regardless of the circumstances, always being grateful. I must admit that consistently adhering to these principles has been a bit more challenging after being handed a terminal illness, particularly when it comes to trust and gratitude.  I am a work in progress.

In December 2017, my counselor suggested creating a video for my family, primarily Silas and Olivia. In it, I shared my heart, imparted some wisdom and even gave a bit of motherly advice.  It wasn’t all serious however, as we managed to include my disdain for rude people, my irritation at bad drivers, and even my bizarre habit of smelling new books! In closing, I was given the opportunity to share anything I wanted. Among other things, I knew I wanted to share a Bible verse.  I wanted to choose the right one;  I decided on another race metaphor.

“I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.” (2 Timothy 4:7)

Similar to my verse from Hebrews, but more focused on how we end our race. It is fairly simple to follow the expectations for living a good life when things are going well, but what about when challenges arise? I want to demonstrate to my kids that life might not seem fair all the time; we cannot control a lot of what happens to us, but we can choose how we react to it.

Regardless of how well we live our life, or how great our performance during the race, how we finish is ultimately what will be remembered. Take Judas, a good portion of his life was spent as one of Jesus’s twelve disciples, ministering to others and healing the sick, yet he is known only as the one who betrayed Christ. I have run most of my race thus far as a positive, glass half-full type of person; firm in my faith. This is how I want to be remembered.

So, in all things keep the faith, persevere, and most importantly finish well!

Thanks for reading ❤️


8 thoughts on “Running the Race

  1. Leanne, you are my hero. What a gift you have given your beautiful family. I admire your strength and your ability to always see something good and positive in your circumstances. ILYSM

  2. Leanne, you are such a beautiful example to all who know you of living life with perseverance, faith and gratitude, even though it must be so difficult at times. You are an encouragement to so many of us. Thank you 😘

  3. I’m so glad to know I’m not the only person who smells new books! Lol! You are amazing and I think of you daily. Hannah was reading one of her animal magazines yesterday and it had photos of baby sloths. I was telling her that they were my favourite animal of the day as they made me think of you! ❤️

  4. Your contributions to this world are so valuable. You keep teaching- although not in a formal setting but with students like myself. You have given us all a gift 🎁 and that is how your running the race. You give me strength to run mine. You always have. Beautiful and brilliant point about Judas. I’m looking forward to your next post.

  5. And the greatest gift of all is Love …and you have bestowed this gift to everyone in your life Leanne and that is why you are so deeply loved by everyone who knows you ❤️You are such a light in such a dark world ❤️God bless you ❤️

  6. Leanne, you are an incredible writer! I have read and reread your posts and can definitely learn a lot from your strength, integrity and faith. Your words are ones to live by. You are always in our prayers. 💕😘💕

  7. Leanne, your faith, strength in adversity and a heart of gratitude are such an inspiration to me as well. I continue to pray for you; for complete healing. xo <3

  8. I love this verse. It makes me think of my Dad too. I can’t remember the exact timeframe, but a couple of weeks before he went to Heaven, I walked into the living room to see him in his chair, bi-pap machine on of course, and an audio Bible reading to him. He did the whole book of James that day! I think he was preparing himself in a way. It put me to shame, because I thought, as sick as he is, here he is still getting his Bible reading in! I have NO EXCUSES not to get it done!
    Praying for you a lot tonight.

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