Oh the Fear!

I have had quite a few people ask me my thoughts on the Covid-19 situation and if I am scared by it. I won’t debate the merits of wearing masks, whether kids should be going back to school or whether the case numbers are accurate, as all of these have been discussed to death everywhere. I do want to share a few thoughts on the extreme reactions and the blame game occurring because of fear.

I listen to a lot of talk radio and I have been shocked by the stories of animosity towards our neighbours in Washington and Alberta. One twitter user commented that our Covid cases have come from “Southern and Eastern invaders”. Cars from these places are being damaged and people are being harassed. People from Alberta are being told to go home, because of the fear of their “out of control” Covid numbers. FYI: Alberta tests 3-4 times more than BC does. Most of the Washington State plates belong to people who have been here before the pandemic started. What was our Premier’s response to those from Washington? “If you don’t want to be harassed, take transit or ride your bike.” Seriously? That’s like telling kids who are being bullied to just stay home from school. Sad.

One caller to the station was outraged that a person behind her at the grocery store sneezed, and because of that she was “terrified” the entire day. Another is so afraid of contracting the virus, that she only takes her mask off when she eats. Hmmm….                  I am frustrated that no news stories focus on the role your immune system can play in helping you fight off Covid, and the ways you can go about increasing your immunity. Taking vitamin C, getting vitamin D from the sun, prioritizing sleep, exercising and eating a healthy diet are just a few of the ways to help make your immune system stronger. Fear suppresses the immune system. That message is never shared.

It’s no secret that I am at a higher risk for serious complications from the virus. I am not scared, because how will fear prevent me from getting it? I am careful to take the proper precautions, but I also focus on continuing to strengthen my immunity.

I think we need to heed more of the be kind and be calm from BC’s mantra. 😉

Until next time…

Leanne xo



6 thoughts on “Oh the Fear!

  1. As usual you have an amazing way to express yourself with knowledge, courage, kindness and love. Thank you.

  2. Yes – ‘Be kind and be calm’. Thank goodness for Dr. Bonnie! Thank you for your good words Leanne.

  3. Like always Leanne you write such thought provoking posts.

    I appreciate your perspective- how inclusive, well balanced and gracious it is. Just like you.

    I have to admit with school coming up I’ve been stressed and this post brought somethings to light for me. Thank you!

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