Before spring break Olivia's teacher had the students share what they had planned. Going to Hawaii, Mexico and Arizona were among the common responses. When it was her turn, Olivia announced that she would be staying over at her grandparent's house with her cousins. The teacher thought that was great, and asked her where they… Continue reading Spring Break 2019
Month: March 2019
Physical Changes
I really hope that in writing this blog I can answer the questions I get asked regularly. One of the most common, concerns how my body is physically changing and the impact these changes are having on my life. It isn't as easy as googling "effects of ALS", because just as no two snowflakes are… Continue reading Physical Changes
Why a Blog?
Initially my sole purpose for writing a blog was to keep friends and family updated on how I am doing and what specific prayer requests I may have. Since many people I know aren't on Facebook and those that are might not want to read my lengthy posts a blog seemed like the perfect solution.… Continue reading Why a Blog?